Teaching Staff

Bespoke Training

Beginning Teaching – The routes into teaching

The Golden Thread Alliance offers three different routes into teaching. The different routes have different entry requirements, and accommodate both colleagues who have a degree already and those who do not. This gives all colleagues access to Teacher Training.

Routes if you do not have a degree:

  • BA (Hons) in Primary Education for Teaching Assistants in Schools. (Provided by The University of Buckingham in partnership with Anspear.)

Please note that this course is three years in length at a cost of £4000 per annum. The Golden Thread Alliance will provide a bursary of £2666 per annum and the candidate is expected to pay £1333 each year for the full three years of training. A training course application form will need to be completed for bursary approval. Following completion, candidates will need to enter one more year of training, provided free of charge by The Golden Thread Alliance to gain full Qualified Teacher status. Details of these two options can be found below.

If you already have a degree: 

  • Teach in Kent – Graduate Apprenticeship Teacher Training – salaried or School Direct unsalaried 

Click here for further information.
Please email Sarah Heaver at sarah.heaver@golden-thread.org to express your interest. 

  • KMT Quality Teacher Training – Graduate Apprenticeship Teacher Training – salaried or School Direct unsalaried.

Click here for further information.
Please email Sarah Heaver at sarah.heaver@golden-thread.org to express your interest. 

Both of these options last approx. one year and, on completion, you will need to join the Induction for Early Career Teachers (ECT) programme of study to complete your induction period.
This is provided through The Golden Thread Alliance in partnership with The Thames Gateway Alliance Teaching School Hub. Details of these two years of further training can be found on the ECT pages.

Early Career Teachers (ECTs)

The Early Career Framework (ECF) is designed to help Early Career Teachers (ECTs) succeed at the start of their teaching careers. Our Framework provider is Thames Gateway Teaching Hub. All course requirements and dates will be provided for you. For further information, please visit Early Career Framework – Thames Gateway TSH.

The framework sets out what all ECTs should learn about, and learn how to do, including:

  • Setting high expectations.
  • Promoting good progress.
  • Demonstrating good subject and curriculum knowledge.
  • Planning and teaching well-structured lessons. 
  • Adapting teaching. 
  • Making accurate and productive use of assessment.
  • Managing behaviour effectively.
  • Fulfilling wider professional responsibilities.

The training ECTs receive as part of their two-year induction should be based on this framework. It is known as ‘ECF-based training’. ECF-based training is part of induction.

ECTs serving a two-year induction are entitled to: 

  • A two-year programme of ECF-based training.
  • Support from a dedicated mentor. 
  • Time off timetable for induction activities, including ECF-based training and mentor sessions.
  • Regular progress reviews and two formal assessments against the teachers’ standards.
  • ECT pay progression – The two-year induction has no adverse impact on ECTs’ pay or career progression opportunities. ECTs are still able to progress on the pay scale both during and after induction. ECTs will start on M1 in Year 1.

The Golden Thread Alliance also offers their ECTs extra training and support in addition to ECF-based training, but not instead of ECF-based training. 

For further information or queries relating to The Golden Thread’s Cluster, please email Sarah Heaver at sarah.heaver@golden-thread.org  

Post Early Career Teaching – Year 3 and beyond

Following a successful Induction through The Early Career Framework, teachers within The Golden Thread Alliance can access a wide range of bespoke training modules written and delivered by experienced practitioners within our Trust.

If you are interested in any of the modules that are offered below, please seek approval from your CPD lead in school and click on the link. These links will take you to an Eventbrite booking form in order for you to secure a place.

Modules for 2023–24

Developing Positive Behaviours and Practical Tips for De-escalation – For Teachers, TAs and Associate Teachers.

This three-hour, face-to-face training session is suitable for Teachers and Teaching Assistants. It will give you an understanding of the legal framework around behaviour, the connection between emotions and behaviour and practical strategies to use when challenging behaviour presents. 

Here is what previous candidates have said; 

“Whilst we all strive to do our best for the children in our care, it’s easy to unknowingly let our own emotions cloud our ability to respond in a positive way to some challenging behaviours. This session will help me to be more aware of how I respond in certain situations going forward, and understand better some of the reasons they may occur. A really nice, informative session.” Teaching Assistant  

“The session was amazing – really engaging, and the session was child-focused. I have undertaken previous de-escalation training. However, it was so refreshing to have this from a teaching point of view. There were some great tips for teaching and support staff that I am sure will be invaluable for all of us who were present. Thanks!” Trust Safeguarding Lead 

Providing Effective Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning – For Teachers, TAs and Associate Teachers  

Curriculum Design, Navigating a Deep Dive and Effective Subject Monitoring – For Teachers   

This three-hour, face-to-face training session is suitable for Teachers, specifically middle and senior leaders involved in subject leadership and curriculum design. It will give you an overview of curriculum design and an understanding of how to use evidence to inform the design of your subject/school’s curriculum, top tips and what to expect when navigating an Ofsted Deep Dive, and how to effectively lead a subject within a Primary school, with the focus on subject monitoring. 

Here is what previous candidates have said:

“The session was really useful and insightful. It was a fantastic opportunity to share ideas and hear about how different schools work.” – Teacher  

“The training was well structured, expertly delivered and it enabled opportunities for professional discussions and sharing of ideas.” – Assistant Head Teacher  

“The session was really developmental and put me at ease as a subject Lead considering what a Deep Dive may entail. It was engaging, positive in tone and left me with next steps to consider in my subject journey.” – Teacher  

“An informative, well-delivered session based on first-hand experience. The session answered and clarified a lot of questions I had around the Deep Dive process, making me feel much more prepared and confident for engaging in the process myself. Jack was brilliant at answering our questions throughout and responded really well to the needs of our group.” – Assistant Head Teacher 

LGBTQ+ Awareness in Primary Schools – For any staff member with a passion for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda 

This face-to-face training session is suitable for all staff: teachers (including Senior and Middle leaders) and TAs or any member of staff who has a particular passion for EDI work. This training forms part of the Golden Thread Alliance’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 

The training gives an overview of Statutory and Ofsted Guidance, LGBTQ in the context of wider equality, rationale, culture and attitudes, it will explore the importance of beginning at primary level, potential LGBTQ prejudice and/or bullying and LGBTQ with the curriculum. 

The session will provide the opportunity to meet with colleagues from across our alliance, to share experiences, best practice or to ask questions about an important subject.

Supporting pre-key stage learners in the curriculum – For Teachers, TAs and Associate Teachers

Building Reading Fluency – For Teachers, TAs and Associate Teachers –Exploring the role of fluency in bridging the gap between decoding and comprehension. Practical strategies to use with children to develop their reading fluency.  

Minibus Training for school staff
Accredited training provided allowing school staff to drive any of the Trust’s minibuses. This course is provided by Kent County Council and details of the course can be found by using the following link;


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