

Governors will be invited to each individual session through calendar invites.  

SAFEGUARDING – Overview – How do I know procedures are effective? 

Safeguarding is a legal responsibility for the school’s LGB. This is a general overview of the LGB roles and responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding suitable for all governors. This training does not replace the mandatory safeguarding training.


SEN – Governors Guide to Inclusion 

All schools have a group of children who are classified as having Special Educational Needs (SEN).

This session is open to all governors wishing to have an overview of SEN/D and the SEN Code of Practice within mainstream schools. 


PE & Sports Premium 

Schools have a legal duty to ring-fence this additional income stream. An overview of what the premium can be used for and the LGB role in monitoring. 


Monitoring the Curriculum – ‘How Governors can be most effective and evidence the impact they make.’ 

This session will give Governors a practical approach to monitoring their area of responsibility and give them the confidence they need to evidence the impact they make. 

Stakeholder Engagement 

This session gives an overview of the responsibilities of LGBs in gathering information from a range of stakeholder groups – and what to do with it once you’ve got it. Also, the opportunity to share practical ideas. 

Pupil Premium/ Disadvantaged 

Schools have additional funding for disadvantaged pupils. An overview of how schools focus on improving outcomes for vulnerable groups. 

Ofsted – How well do you know your school? 

A general session that covers the kind of questions governors should be asking themselves in order to answer questions from an Ofsted Inspector. If Ofsted is imminent for your school, bespoke sessions can be arranged through the DCEO.

Early Years Foundation Stage 

EYFS is a unique and sometimes mysterious key stage. This session covers the unique way in which EYFS teams plan and deliver a bespoke curriculum and the kind of things governors should be looking for. 

The Role of the Governor/ Induction 

This session is ideal for those governors new to the role or in need of a refresher. It covers all the roles and responsibilities, as well as the time commitment needed. 

Sitting on a Panel 

This face-to-face training gives governors an overview of their role and legal responsibilities when sitting on a Trust panel for exclusions; complaints; staff grievance and disciplinary. 

A Guide to Interpreting Data 

This session provides an overview of the data from your school that governors receive throughout the year, as well as demystifying national attainment data. This is a bespoke session for each school’s LGB.

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Our Vision & Values

Our Vision & Values